

leg muscles的相關標籤

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NEW workout! Click here to watch the full video and to learn the exercises step-by-step: https://youtu.be/DBLvz2CsBQQ . It’s such a trend to have “big butt” now.. 😂 I remember I used to want to reduce my butt and thighs, cause they are naturally thicker. 😑 . Well, these are 5 effective Glute & Hamstring Isolation exercises to have firmer and more lifted 🍑 🍑 Our glutes are connected to our hamstrings, so it’s important to work on both muscles! . EXERCISES: 1) Romanian Deadlift 2) Hip Thrust 3) One-Legged Leg Press 4) Single Leg Lunge 5) Lying Hamstring Curl **Make sure you’re lifting heavy enough to only complete 12 reps max for each exercise. If you can go for more reps, then you have to increase the weights! . . . . #jsohactive #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgirl #fitnesslifestyle #fitnesslife #fitgirls #fitgirl #fitspo #fitspiration #fitnessmodel #girlswholift #strengthtraining #strongwomen #butt #glutes #glute #hamstrings #legworkout

NEW workout! Click here to watch the full video an...